Just some points:
I swear there was a tornado in this video I took - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPP6L7rsE64
Still working on a comic book for 24 Hour Comics Day, which was 30 days ago! I'll finish, for sure, all 24 pages.
Still waiting on a letter from Asimov's Science Fiction magazine. Fingers are crossed.
Children these days are crazy, and fearless - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKWzDRtrZCI
Writing a letter to Dave Sim. Yes, yes, it's true! An actual letter!
Listen to this woman say she's being violated by a police officer! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzkU3v5fUfA
NaNoWriMo is coming again. Aargh! I have no plot yet, no characters. But I must get at least an outline before the first.
This week in books 7/14/17
This week! Books!
But first, a programming note. Posts will be a bit sporadic in the next few
weeks as I am headed to San Diego for the wonderment known ...
7 years ago